OSRS Power Leveling Service

Welcome to FancyHire, we strive to be the #1 OSRS Power Leveling Service on the market. Based in Venezuela, allowing us to give you the best pricing and the most trusted trainers. With over 100+ years of combined OSRS experience, we aim to disrupt the industry. We’ve already serviced hundreds of customers and played almost 300,000 hours since September 2018.

Exciting times ahead for OSRS Players…

The Evolution of Price

The niche market of OSRS Services is reaching a catalyst. Many want to earn a sustainable living wage in a 1st world developed country, that is not sustainable. In reality, you may not have time to play OSRS and unwilling to buy overpriced accounts.

We offer a unique alternative, let us mould your account. The pricing is sustainable for everyone because of the Venezuelan economy. The average wage is below $100/month. That’s several hours in Europe or USA, as unfortunate the situation. FancyHire aims to give the means possible to lead a healthier life.

This is why our competitors try to hire us…

Competitor: $2/hr

FancyHire: $1.30/hr

Top Well-known brand’s charge upwards of 500% for the same services, don’t get fleeced. Hire FancyHire for all your OSRS Service needs!

Competitor: $2/hr

FancyHire: $1.30/hr

We enjoy being the cheapest on the market, but rest assured that FancyHire provides a high-quality service.

Competitor: $4/hr

FancyHire: $2/hr

FancyHire operates a sustainable and professional OSRS Questing Service. We champion the majority of our rivals in all questing scenarios. For example you could save up to 500% with us, in short It’s why our competitors try to hire us.

Many companies exploit cheap labour for their own gain, FancyHire doesn’t. We provide continuous support to our trainers and directly use the funds generated from our services to help those in need.

For every order you make, you’ll be putting food on the table. For just $10/day worth of services, you can enjoy a much better OSRS Experience and also joice in the fact you’re improving lives for those in need.

Don’t purchase the overpriced services that are available everywhere, you’ve now found your OSRS Power Leveling provider and that is FancyHire. A professional and experienced service offering services for the cheapest on the market.

DidYouKnow? – We’re the first provider to introduce the hourly pricing model.

Hire a Venezuelan Today